
Since 1986 supply its customer professional technicians specialized in hydraulic, mechanic and electronics system that are constantly updated to solve every problems for press Sacmi, Siti, Nassetti, Laeis and Matrix; Tecnomeccanica guarantee advise and mechanical assistance focus on the problem.

The department of tools machine internal the company, produce every spares parts with a really height quality. Moreover there is the possibility to make changes to blocks that combined with electronic system permit the maximum autonomy in the press manage.

In the warehouse there are more 1000 items always available so Tecnomeccanica can give immediately assistance.
The target of the company is quality, service and flexibility and in a few years have been created and edited hundreds presses to produce tiles, special pieces, roofing tiles and bricks.

We try to offer to our customer, that is our best collaborator, technological solutions to satisfy the market requirements that change daily.


Tecnomeccanica - Su misura

Su misura

Progettiamo e realizziamo presse da ceramica, laterizi e pezzi speciali ceramici su specifica richiesta del cliente.

Tecnomeccanica - Esperienza trentennale

Esperienza trentennale

L’esperienza trentennale nell’assistenza sulle presse da ceramica ci permette di fornire un servizio di consulenza e riparazione elettromeccanica rapido e preciso.

Tecnomeccanica - Filiali nel mondo

Mai fermi

In questi anni abbiamo aperto filiali e rivendite in diverse parti del mondo: Polonia, Romania, Brasile, Colombia e Indonesia.


The skill of our company has permit to open other subsidiaries in Germany, Poland, Brazil and in the 2011 we opened a company in Colombia so we can offer a better customer care in the place far from Italy.

10 years ago Tecnomeccanica founded TCP Tecnocenter Polska in Poland, to give more assistance to customers in Eastern Europe.

Located in the center of Poland, close to the largest Polish ceramic complex, a team of 10 people guarantee 6 days a week to local and foreign industries, in a competent and serious way, a service of assistance, spare parts and materials first, thanks to a large and well stocked warehouse,.

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